Lay Evangelist

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47 Twenty Minutes of Privilege

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47 20 Minutes of Privilege Gomer and Luke

Luke and I get caught up after Luke's stroke, we talk about some fun stuff, then we do our first ad read for a product that we love and currently use, Barbatus Beard Balm from After the silliness and the product placement, we dive into the Stanford Sexual Assault case with Brock Turner, who is from Luke's home town of Oakwood, Ohio.

I have added two news reports throughout the conversation. One is from NBC news recounting some of the sexual assault and the other is from CNN News anchor Ashleigh Banfield as she read the entire 13 page victim statement to Brock Turner. We excerpted it to the relevant parts of the show because it hits like a bomb. You should read her letter in full from Buzzfeed.

Show Notes

Sponsor: Catholic Balm Co

Head over to and buy some beard balm, a lotion stick (pretty awesome), and some Little Flower inspired lip balm. This stuff is all handmade in small batches, is all natural, and smells amazing. I'm not kidding you. I love smelling like Chrism.

When checking out use the term "TeamLuke" or "TeamMichael" (who's Michael?) and we will see who has the better fans. Be an adult and take care of your beard, your lips, and your skin!