Lay Evangelist

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Cloistered Nun Shares "Social Distancing" Pro-Tips

I love this opinion piece from a cloistered nun!

She summarizes the way to thrive amidst an imposed “vow of stability”, albeit temporary, is to embrace structure, foster love of neighbor, and use the time for solitude and relaxation. Here’s my favorite quote:

Your normal day-to-day lives have structure imposed on them from the outside; you have to catch the train at a certain time to go to work, you have school recess at the same time every day. These things give you a sense of consistency and rhythm.

Now that you are stuck at home, create a schedule for yourself and your family. At the monastery, we wake up at the same time every day and get fully dressed (no pajamas). We have planned time for prayer, worship, work, eating and fun. Our days usually have a peaceful rhythm. This might take some experimentation; each household is different and for many, it might be the first time they spend an extended period of time with roommates or family.