Lay Evangelist

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Announcing the Birth of a New Podcast: "Every Knee Shall Bow"

Hello friends!

I’ve teamed up with long-time friend Dave VanVickle and Ascension Publishing to bring you FREE shows every week on how to evangelize as a Catholic. Too often we see the marketing hype about evangelization, the new evangelization, or missionary discipleship, and half of the time it’s just selling more of the same to the choir.

Our goal is far more humble: we want ordinary Catholics to evangelize in ordinary ways. We believe that grace changes lives more than we, with our clever answers, ever could, so we simply unleash the Gospel.

Every Knee Shall Bow holds a two-fold meaning. First, we desire all creatures to come under the Lordship of Jesus Christ through evangelization. Second, at the end of time when the Son of Man comes in judgment, all creatures will bend the knee, the only difference is if will be with joy or fear. (And yes, it’s “Bow” not “Bend”. The translation we were working from uses the more traditional and poetic “bow” instead and we liked it.)

I’m not going to lie or even exaggerate: this is one of the hardest projects that I’ve worked on because it forces me to structure the content instead of free-form speaking. This means that a ton of work goes into the show in order to make it so concise and clear. At least, we hope it comes out that way!

This show is meant to provide education and modeling for the types of basic gospel evangelization that the world needs. We tell you about our failures (which happens a lot) and our successes (occasionally we stumble into these) so that you can learn, grow, and apply them to your own life.

If something like this was around 20 years ago, my high school life would have been radically different. Free. Accessible to anyone with a smartphone. And absolutely practical.

To paraphrase the words of The Dark Knight, it may not be the podcast that we wanted, but it certainly is the one the Church needs.

I hope this will bless you and your parish.
