Lay Evangelist

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Adult Sacrament Preparation Branding

I'm really big into branding things that I think are awesome. At the very least I'm all about a catchy title and tag line. So for my revisioning of Adult Sacrament Preparation, I'm thinking this.

Ditch the name RCIA as the name of the program. It's not the name of program or ministry or process, anyway. It's the name of the liturgical rites used to bring an unbaptized person into full membership of the Catholic Church.

We need to give it something fancy, or practical, or cool that will be memorable, sound appealing, and convery the truth of what it is. Here are my three (non-marriage) sacrament prep ministries for adults: 

  • Initiation: RCIA for the unbaptized and uncatechized.
  • Inclusion: Modified RCIA for the baptized and well-catechized.
  • Ignition: Confirmation preparation for Adults.

 I'm waiting at least till the end of this year to even think about Adult Confirmation. I have enough on my plate with Inclusion starting soon and the current RCIA group running strong. Our Archdiocese just came up with a new plan for Adult Confirmation anyways, which I think it pretty sweet because it balances the different types of candidates coming forward- those who need a lot and those who need a little preparation.

I like the title Initiation because it is obviously extremely practical. I love the title Inclusion because it speaks to the heart of the program- Jesus is including everyone and anyone into the heart of His Church. Ignition I just think is hilarious, but also aspirational. So many people some to Adult Confirmation with a sense of "I need to just get this done." My goal is to cover their hearts in kerosene and toss in a lit match (metaphorical of course) into the classroom. It's going to be steeped in the Holy Spirit.

Here's some of my images for pushing Adult Sacraments: